Allium Stalk Extract Combat Myocardial Ischemia in Coronary Heart Disease Clinical and Experimental Research 葱白提取物防治冠心病心肌缺血临床和实验研究
Objective To analyze the CT and MRI features of pituitary stalk interruption syndrome, so that to improve the diagnostic knowledge of this disease. 目的分析垂体柄阻断综合征的CT及MRI表现,提高对其的认识及诊断水平。
Leaves with dense long stalk dendroid trichome, long stalk forked trachoma and long stalk trichome with big glandular cells were resistance to the disease. 叶背毛为较稠密的长柄树状毛、长柄叉状毛、长柄单枝毛和长柄、腺细胞大的粘性腺毛的泡桐为高度抗病。
The researches related to corn stalk rot disease was reviewed and evaluated based on the author's experiments with emphasis on the resistance mechanism and inheritance; 总结前人的研究并结合笔者的试验结果,重点对玉米茎腐病的抗病机制、抗性遗传进行了综述。
Several years'demonstrations revealed that it possessed characteristics of short stalk, high and stable yield, early maturity, high disease resistance, good quality and broad adaptability. 经多年试验示范,该品种表现株型矮壮紧凑、高产稳产、早熟、抗病性强、优质、适应性广等优良特性。
The Integrated Management of Corn Stalk Rot Disease with Resistant Variety as the Main Precaution 种植抗病品种为主的玉米茎腐病综合防治技术
Eggplant stalk rot wasa severe disease on eggplants in greenhouse in Gansu Province. The pathogens collected from the eggplant cultivated regions during 1998-2000, were isolated and identified. 1998~2000年连续3年在甘肃省主要茄子栽培区大量采集茄子茎腐病病株和病土,经分离和致病性测定,表明引起当地茄茎腐病的主要病原为镰刀菌和疫霉菌。
The wilting degrees of pedicel and stalk are lower in these treated fruits than in the ones from other treatments, and the disease incidence, rotten fruit rate and weight loss rate are also lower in these treatments than in the other treatments and CK. 穗梗,果便褐变程度也比其它处理轻。病害的发生、烂果率、损耗率也比其它处理及CK低。
ON BACTERIAL STALK ROT OF SUNFLOWER ⅰ. Symptom and Identification of The Causal Pathogens Studies on the Pathogen of Maize Stalk Rot and the Relationship Between Maize Cultivation and Development of the Disease 向日葵细菌性茎腐病的研究Ⅰ.症状及病原菌鉴定玉米茎腐病原及栽培与发病关系
Studies on the Pathogen of Maize Stalk Rot and the Relationship Between Maize Cultivation and Development of the Disease 玉米茎腐病原及栽培与发病关系
Corn hybrids resistant to stalk rot had higher sucrose contents in the pith tissues of the second internode above the ground than hybrids susceptible to the disease. 结果表明,在玉米生理成熟期地上第二茎间髓部组织内蔗糖的含量与玉米对茎腐病的抗性密切相关,抗病的玉米杂交种的蔗糖含量明显高于感病的玉米杂交种。
Stalk rot is a serious and widespread soil-borne disease in maize, which reduces both yield and quality. 玉米茎腐病是世界玉米产区普遍发生的一种土传病害,严重影响到玉米的产量。